Visual Signature Capture and Internet Explorer.

Q. Can I use Internet Explorer (IE) as my browser when using the Visual Signature Capture (VSC) application?

A. Although Logical Innovations recommends use of the Chrome browser if available, VSC is certainly compatible with the IE browser. Logical Innovations recommends the use of IE 10, IE 11, or Edge. VSC is not compatible with older versions of IE, such as IE 7, as they do not support the Signature functionality that is key to VSC

Q. If I can use Internet Explorer (IE), why doesn't the Signature box on my Visual Signature Capture (VSC) document seem to work?

A. Some customers have experienced difficulties because either (I) they are using (or more likely emulating) a much older version of IE or (II) they have upgraded to the Edge browser but have a version of VSC that is older than VSC 4.1.8.

I. Make sure that your IE install is not emulating an older version of IE.

Even if IE 11 installed according to the IE properties, it may be set to emulate (i.e. operate as if it is) an older version of IE. VSC is not compatible with older versions of IE, such as IE 7, as they do not support the Signature functionality that is key to VSC. To make sure that you are not emulating an older version of IE, do the following:

  1. Click the gear in the upper right hand corner of IE (note, on a tablet, you may first need to display IE in desktop mode) and choose the Developer Tools
  2. Screenshot of Internet Explorer Settings Developer Tools
  3. This should open a window in the bottom half of your browser. While on the Emulation tab, select IE 10 as your document mode.
    Screenshot of IE Developer Tools Emulation Settings
  4. So that IE does not revert to an older version, click the small gear in the top left of the Emulation tab. When you hover over it, it should say “Persist Emulation settings enabled.” You can then close the developer tools.
    Screenshot of IE Developer Tools Persist Emulation Settings
  5. Return to the gear in the upper right hand corner of IE (note, on a tablet, you may first need to display IE in desktop mode) and this time choose Compatibility View Settings.
    Screenshot of IE Compatibility View Settings
  6. Make sure that “Display intranet sites in Compatibility View” is not checked. Checking this box attempts to display VSC (which is running on your intranet) as if it were in IE 7, but IE 7 does not support VSC's Signature functionality.
    Screenshot of IE Compatibility View Settings

II. Microsoft's Edge Browser requires VSC 4.1.8 (or higher).

For the Windows 10 Operating System, Edge replaced IE as the default browser and sites that have upgraded to Windows 10 will see the Edge browser. The Signature functionality of VSC for versions of VSC prior to VSC 4.1.8 does not behave properly in Edge because Edge was interpreting an attempt to sign a document as an attempt to zoom or scale instead. This issue has been corrected in VSC 4.1.8.